Grey rgb color code 808080 128 65536 128 256 128 128 128 128 red 128 green 128 blue 128. If you like these picture you must click the picture to see the large or. Paint Colors And Frames With Images Living Room Colors Room It s very important to read through the descriptions so that you can understand the undertone of each color and how it might work in your home. Light grey wall color . Grey walls what accent colors go with gray walls is one of the most popular questions regarding color combinations. It s ultra versatile on ceilings as it complements both light and dark wall colors james wheeler shop. Rgb 220 220 220 lightgray lightgrey. This color has the ideal hint of color for homeowners that may be too shy to jump out of their beige comfort zone. Five shades of light gray by sherwin williams. In this post i ve rounded up some of my top choices from both benjamin moore and sherwin williams. Floors will be the congoleum carrara marble dura ceramic tiles. A popu...